<script type="text/javascript">
var intRed=Math.floor(Math.random()*256) // generates a random number between 0 and 255
var intGreen=Math.floor(Math.random()*256)
var intBlue=Math.floor(Math.random()*256)
var strHexRed = intRed.toString(16); // converts the number to hex
var strHexGreen = intGreen.toString(16);
var strHexBlue = intBlue.toString(16);
// make the value two characters wide so red, green, and blue each take two characters in the RGB value
if (strHexRed.length == 1) { strHexRed="0"+strHexRed; }
if (strHexGreen.length == 1) { strHexGreen="0"+strHexGreen; }
if (strHexBlue.length == 1) { strHexBlue="0"+strHexBlue; }
var strRGB=strHexRed+strHexGreen+strHexBlue; // joins the three string vales to make a RGB value
document.write("The background page color is "+strRGB+"\n");
print "<html>\n";
$intRed = rand(0,255); // generates a random number between 0 and 255
$intGreen = rand(0,255);
$intBlue = rand(0,255);
$hexRed = dechex($intRed+0); // converts the number to hex
$hexGreen = dechex($intGreen+0);
$hexBlue = dechex($intBlue+0);
// makes the value two characters wide so red, green, and blue each take two characters in the RGB value
if (strlen($strRed) == 1) { $strRed="0".$strRed; }
if (strlen($strGreen) == 1) { $strGreen="0".$strGreen; }
if (strlen($strBlue) == 1) { $strBlue="0".$strBlue; }
$hexRGB=$strRed.$strGreen.$strBlue; // joins the three string vales to make a RGB value
print "<body bgcolor=$hexRGB>\n";
print "The background page color is $hexRGB\n";
print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";